Bebe Eversfield - Early Years in New Zealand

Bebe Eversfield (born Esme ”Bebe” de Roland and had the stage name ”Bebe Witts” as a child) was born in 1924 and spent her early years in Wellington, New Zealand studying with dance teacher Joe Knowsley. You can see here a copy of a promotional brochure for the dance studio with 5-year old Bebe on the cover page – as well as other photos of Bebe from ages 5-10 years old.

Of the clam shell photos, Bebe once told a friend that she was being depicted as the ”pearl” which would explain the title of the dance ”Every Sea Hath Its Pearl.”

The New Zealand National Library website has a lovely studio portrait of dancer Bebe Witts with her dance teacher Joe Knowsley, taken 1936 by Crown Studios of Wellington.

*All photos provided from Bebe Eversfield’s personal collection.


    1. Thanks Stephen! It’s so nice to be able to share these gorgeous old photos (that were scanned from Bebe’s personal collection) on computer screen, for all the world to see.

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